No talking required - within an hour you'll have your unique answers.

The best way to work out a challenge

Don't like to talk about your problems? Not sure about how to describe what is bothering you? Do you want a completely different way of experiencing help? It's possible!

Being divorced (or going to) means a lot of stress and questions coming your way. Having kids (no matter what age your children are) is making it even more challenging. You're taking your worries and frustrations with you at work, hobbies, sports, and every other moment in life.

Help yourself by experiencing this one online hour. You are the only one who knows about the challenge you are going to work out. Your camera can also be off. It is the absolute most private way of getting help (and it evidence based helpful!).

Within one hour you'll know exactly what steps to take. It doesn't get any shorter and clearer!
Short, simple, and very effective!

Ella de Jong

Happy to help all working divorced dads - introverted divorced fathers (and all other struggling dads).

PS Let me know when the time slots are not 'doable' for you. We'll work something out!

Discover your answers and your solutions

Help yourself. I'd love to guide you.