Mission and vision

I'm on a mission: helping mentally strained people to become, strong and cheerful. They (young and old) will have a positive effect on the world around them.

My vision: Every person can be supportive of others ánd of themselves.

This is me, Ella: Being raised on a farm in the Netherlands with six (!) big brothers and two big sisters, I've learned from day one that 'humor and common sense' are the way you deal with difficulties.

My 'chapters in life' have been formed through struggles and challenges and made me who I am now: determined, joyful, creative, and at the same time down to earth and caring. These characteristics have proven to be helpful.

For decades I have worked as a Solution Focused teacher, coach, and writer.

Friendly, driven, cheerful, and very well-skilled to help you within a short amount of time. Since 2005 I have helped young children, teenagers, young adults, parents, and many others in a short time and 'light' way.

Since 2014 I have written blogs on Blogger. Since 2023 I have been a frequent writer on Medium.com

Since the lockdown of 2020, I've created an online version of my live workshops. Spreading the importance of the method (as someone called it) 'Tackle Your Challenge!' has been my calling since then.

The 'Tackle Your Challenge - Workshops' are a combination of my passion for the Solution Focused Approach and my experience as a primary school teacher.

Some feedback from the 'Tackle' experience: 'Elegant simplicity' and 'Life changing'. "Ella's work stands for meaningful experiences applicable to help yourself and others."

I'm striving to reach at least 100,000 managers, staff, co-workers, CEOs, team leaders, porters, cleaners, IT personnel, concierges, administrators, janitors, directors, and who else!

There is a global awareness of the importance of taking care of your employee's well-being. Let's take care of évery person who is working in the company or organization once we know how we can all be of positive influence!

My cv

I was invited to write a chapter in 'new beginnings'

One could describe me as a person who keeps on starting over and over again.

Eileen Doyon has kindly asked me to write a chapter in one of her books in 2017. I've named it 'Starting over': my solution focused mindset helped me cope with (almost traumatic) disappointments, lowering self esteem and losing sight of kindness and its strength. It made me stronger and more determined.

I love to write. In conversations I'd love to listen and be quiet.


Board member of the Dutch Association of Solution Focused Professionals VOPN.

Member of the European Brief Therapy Association EBTA.

Registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce, KvK nr. 08131710.